Septic Tank Emptying Service
We can remove effluent captured waste from septic tanks, cess pits, and effluent waste tanks at commercial or residential properties. Contact us to discuss your need and we can advise on the most cost effective way to empty your waste storage.

We cover your sanitation needs across the Midlands including Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Shropshire, Cheshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire.
D-tox are a registered Waste Broker with over 30 years of experience in collecting liquid waste. Our constantly expanding tanker fleet can remove up to 3000 gallons of effluent at any time from your site. We also empty septic tanks and cesspits at domestic and commercial properties.
Our tankers also remove effluent from captured waste tanks and empty effluent tanks located underneath site toilet units. If non-potable water is also required then we can arrange for our tanker to also refill your water tanks in the same visit.
Book a Site Access Survey
With all our septic tank emptying projects we work closely with the client to ensure the tank emptying goes as smoothly as possible on the day. But when we are turning up with large HGV tankers access can often be an issue.For full peace of mind and to ensure we can access your site we can send an engineer out to survey your site before any jobs are booked. This is completely free of charge as long as we can schedule the visit in with our regular work load. If you need a visit on a specific day then there may be a charge.

Septic Tank Waste Management
We recommend that septic tanks are emptied and checked on a regular basis to ensure they are operating as they should be. Having your septic tank emptied on a regular basis will lower the risk of sewage back ups and other common septic tank problems which can be unpleasant and costly.
At D-tox we have a wealth of experience and the equipment to handle septic tank emptying and maintenance.
With 30 years experience behind us, we know what we're doing when it come to dealing with Septic tanks and cess pits. You can call us for advice, or take a look at our blogs page which has lots of useful information about care of, and problems with your septic tanks, cess pit and captured waste tanks.

Associated products / services
Registered Waste Broker
We are a registered Waste Broker so you can feel rest assured that you are dealing with a reputable company with over 30 years experience in and around the liquid waste industry. Once your tank has been emptied the waste will be dealt with in the proper way.
We cover your sanitation needs across the Midlands including Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Shropshire, Cheshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire.
D-tox take pride in going the extra mile to help our customers but we ask you to kindly understand that the degree of planning required to allocate all our driving resources means that we have a cut off time of 3pm for all orders that need to be completed the following day.