Our Ethos
We understand that D-tox has a diverse staff and we all have a wide range of differing personalities and attitudes. However, as a company we try and promote the following values and do what we can to ensure they are embraced by our team.
This is a big one. We value honesty from others and encourage it from within.
- We don’t over promise and under deliver
- We don’t lie when things go wrong
- We are human so mistakes will happen, when they do, own your mistakes
- We want to develop lasting relationships with everyone we work with. Customers, suppliers, collaborators and colleagues.
- We understand that ending relationships for solely financial reasons does not always make good business sense
- We understand the value of mutual respect and understanding
- We understand that apologising does not always mean we are wrong; it just means that we value relationships more than our ego
- Its not fair to expect others to do what you are unwilling to do yourself
- Its not fair to expect people to accept what you are unwilling to accept yourself
- We play by the rules
- We don’t try and shift the blame onto someone else
- We were started by and are still owned by the same family
- During the life of our company we have created another ever growing family at work
- We understand that our work family is made up of people who all have their own real family’s and that they will always put their real family first
- We don’t say we can do it if we can’t
- We make sure we deliver what we said we would and at the right time
- If there’s a problem about to stop us delivering on our promises, then we fix it
- If we can’t fix the problem then its time to be honest and tell whoever we are letting down that we are sorry
- We learn from our mistakes and try to make sure they don’t happen again